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Events industry poised to bounce back post Coronavirus lockdownEvents industry poised to bounce back post Coronavirus lockdown

The worldwide virus generated via Coronavirus has impacted almost everyone on the planet ranging from short supply of goods right up to complete self-isolation.

Some sectors escaped with minor or slight disruption. However, due to the nature of events being by definition mass gatherings & often unprecedented disruption followed with the instant holt brought to the industry.

Although most industries have been hit hard, it seems expected that all will experience continued disruption. Maybe more so for the peoples whose business will rely on gatherings.

How will we be adapting?

Maximizing technology
With the government already trialling the idea of using an NHS app to trace contact with the GP and reduce transmission. It may be that technology plays a crucial part of VR in events until vaccines are rolled out thoroughly. Similarity to the NHS app, it could be that people are cleared as vaccinated and therefore safe to attend mass gatherings.

Eventuality planning
Moving on, events will be to potential disruption caused by pandemics. The formerly unimaginable will become a topic for discussion. After all, this is the year that saw the first Olympics cancelled in peacetime.

Surge in demand
It is challenging to predict precisely how the market will respond when the restrictions are announced. However, a strong indication is that many venues are completely sold out after the summer.
In the End it is in everybody’s concern that things return to best coronavirus normality as quickly and safely as possible.

Insurance costs
The events industry has always been prudent to take out the right insurance. Ludicrous it may seem now, very few people in any industry had protection for a complete calendar year of disruption.

Here to help when the time is right

Pitlane has been established since 2009. Helping 3,000 + clients and having a pool of 20,000 staff across the UK allows us to source you the best local team for your event every time.
Get in touch today for your no obligation quote. Please call 0844 800 0071 or email


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